Communication Protocols
Transfer of state via GET, PUT, PATCH, etc
Think in terms of actions using GET and PUT
Operation | RPC (operation) | REST (resource) |
Signup | POST /signup | POST /persons |
Read a person | GET /readPerson?personid=1234 | GET /persons/1234 |
Read a person’s items list | GET /readUsersItemsList?userid=1234 | GET /persons/1234/items |
Add an item to a person’s list | POST /addItemToUsersItemsList | POST /persons/1234/items |
Update an item | POST /modifyItem | PUT /items/456 |
Delete an item | POST /removeItem?itemId=456 | DELETE /items/456 |
Communicate Synchronously or Async
Spring's central class for synchronous client-side HTTP access. It simplifies communication with HTTP servers, and enforces RESTful principles.
Javascript callbacks, promises, etc
// Say "Hello."
// Say "Goodbye" two seconds from now.
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
// Say "Hello again!"
console.log("Hello again!");
java.nio library, futures, threads, etc
We create a task and subscribe ourselves as observers to the success/failure/error etc of the task.
When the task ends, methods(onSuccess(), onError()) of registered observers are called.
for( i = 0; i < observers.Count; i++) {
observers[i].onSuccess("some data");
Blocking Call
// Obtains the feature at a given position.
rpc GetFeature(Point) returns (Feature) {}
* Blocking unary call example.
Calls getFeature and prints the response.
public void getFeature(int lat, int lon) {
info("*** GetFeature: lat={0} lon={1}", lat, lon);
Point request = Point.newBuilder()
Feature feature = blockingStub.getFeature(request);
receives an observer as if this was a non blocking call.
public void getFeature(Point Point, StreamObserver responseObserver) {
Networking Library ensures the call is blocking.
ListenableFuture responseFuture = futureUnaryCall(call, param);
while(!responseFuture.isDone()) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException var8) {
throw Status.CANCELLED.withDescription("Call was interrupted").withCause(var8).asRuntimeException();
return getUnchecked(responseFuture);
Streaming Async call
// Accepts a stream of Points on a route being traversed, returning a
// RouteSummary when traversal is completed.
rpc RecordRoute(stream Point) returns (RouteSummary) {}
Send an observer for response
StreamObserver requestObserver = asyncStub.recordRoute(responseObserver);
Send points on the received observer
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) {
int index = random.nextInt(features.size());
Point point = features.get(index).getLocation();
// Sleep for a bit before sending the next one.
Thread.sleep(random.nextInt(1000) + 500);
public StreamObserver recordRoute(final StreamObserver responseObserver) {
return new StreamObserver() {
int pointCount;
int distance;
Point previous;
final long startTime = System.nanoTime();
public void onNext(Point point) {
// For each point after the first, add the incremental distance from the previous point to
// the total distance value.
if (previous != null) {
distance += calcDistance(previous, point);
previous = point;
public void onCompleted() {
long seconds = NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(System.nanoTime() - startTime);
.setElapsedTime((int) seconds).build());
We saw in previous examples that server received an observer which it calls methods on to send data/status/error
How can one machine calling methods on an object result to methods being called on another object sitting on another machine.
Or how is this observer java object shared?
gRPC uses netty under the hood.